Friday, October 21, 2005

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Looks like I'm not getting the Prius

So I've agreed to join my own blogger cabal -- Pajamas Media.

[So what does this mean for your average reader. Wait, screw them, what does this mean for me?!--ed. Not much, really. In a few weeks/months, you'll be redirected from this URL to another one -- but this bookmark will still be valid. There will probably be a few more ads along the right-hand side -- the whole point of this idea is to pool together multiple sites to generate larger traffic for advertisers. That's about it. And me?--ed. You're still on the payroll.]

Here's my profile over at their site. Money quote: "My plan is to retire in three years based on this. I was specifically promised lots of cash and a Toyota Prius." UPDATE: Roger Simon sets me straight on the compensation.

[Hey, wasn't Pajamas Media co-conceived by Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs?--ed. Why yes, yes it is. I disagree a fair amount with Charles -- but then again, I disagree with David Corn a fair amount too, and he's involved as well. Any good classical liberal would want this kind of disagreement--it would be like one syndicated columnist caring about who else is covered by the syndicate. Besides, I don't think there's going to be a huge overlap in readership. According to this LGF commenter, "sagely and even-handedly pondering all sides of an issue of grave geo-political importance is not what makes an exciting blog." So much for the Prius!--ed.]

posted by Dan on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM


Is *this* site still going to be active? I can't see myself patronizing any site that Charles owns, but I very much want to continue to read your thoughts.

posted by: Opus on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

Pajamas Media == Hate Mongers + Idiots + Echo Chamber.


posted by: jerry on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

Why, may I ask, did you join the Pajamas Media? Choices are about incentives, what did you get?

posted by: Chris Albon on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

I could care less about partnering with people you disagree with, but signing on with people who write this: "In the beginning, the blogosphere was ignored, but you can’t ignore truth. It really did turn the presidential election of 2004 -- that is what I believe. The grassroots brought the Swift Boat vets to national attention...." There's a little matter of credibility; I hope you don't sell yours out.

Regardless, it looks like this is just a big webzine. Why is that exciting (except in terms of pooling for advertising revenue)?

posted by: daniel Nexon on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

Actually, I bet there is an overlap. I read both of you. The liberal hawk crowd doesn't care about the "hate mongers" crap coming from lefty blogs, pace jerry:

> Pajamas Media == Hate Mongers + Idiots + Echo Chamber

Sure seems like "sagely and even-handedly pondering all sides of an issue" to me.

posted by: brett on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

"There's a little matter of credibility; I hope you don't sell yours out."

That didn't come out quite right. So, we either get a giant webzine or a new syndication company. That makes sense from some perspectives, but it does raise interesting implications vis-a-vis the claims about what's different here. Anyway, I'll withhold my final opinion until all this takes shape.

posted by: Dan Nexon on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

Dan, you've made a mistake (as might have David Corn). I don't suppose you're hurting for money so I can't figure out why you would debase yourself to associate with some of the Pajama gang.

posted by: elliottg on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

Any comparison between the tone evinced by Charles Johnson and David Corn begins and ends with the fact that (in Johnson's case, I have to qualify it as being to the best of my knowledge) they both have 23 pairs of chromosomes.

posted by: Randy Paul on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

Ugh; I just read the profiles on that sight and there is enough self-righteousness to choke to death on. Best of luck to Mr. Drezner, but I hope he has enough sense to defect once they start handing out the official booklets of the revolution.

posted by: Dustin Ridgeway on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

What Randy Paul said. Johnson is not about politics. He is about meanness, distortion, hypocrisy, and worse. Get out now.

posted by: JRG on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

Looks like we'll be able to divide Pajamas Media into two categories: "readable" vs. "unreadable". Thankfully, Dan will swell the ranks of the former- along with David Corn, Stephen Green, and John Cole. However, Johnson and Simon will have to sign on a few more true liberals for their site to have any legitimacy in my mind.

posted by: Matt on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

I understand this might be remunerative. It nevertheless strikes me as a mistake. Agreeing that other people have their right to their opinion isn't a reason to join onto their projects if you vehemently disagree with those opinions.

posted by: washerdreyer on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

I just went over and took my first look at Pajamas Media. As best I can tell, this looks like it will be the on-line version of "Hannity and WhatsHisName" - twenty Conservative voices with a token Liberal or two who will (perhaps unwittingly) provide the cover needed to declare the venture "balanced".

The "Never Forget 9/11" slideshow with a sidebar of links to Instapundit, LGF and Simon was particularly enlightening.

I don't know what they promised Daniel to join this venture, but I agree that this is a poor decision on his part.

posted by: LaurenceB on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

The people who denied you tenure will no doubt slap each other on their collective backs with a delighted "I told you so."

posted by: anonymous on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

"The people who denied you tenure will no doubt slap each other on their collective backs with a delighted "I told you so."

Way to "tolerate", anonymous leftie slug. Ever wonder why your team always loses?

posted by: Don Mynack on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

What makes you think he's a lefty?

And my team (Braves) win enough for me.

posted by: Dustin Ridgeway on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

The issue of whether it's wise to be affiliated w/ Pajamas Media doesn't turn on the political loyalties of the other participants. It has to do with whether they are serious thinkers or, in fact, thinkers at all, as opposed to, say, bigoted ranters.

Just guessing here, but I think it's the idea that being affiliated w/ PJ would not be seen as a serious--or even civilized--pursuit that led anonymous to say that Dan's involvement might provide post hoc justification to anyone who, in his tenure review, questioned his seriousness because of time spent on the blog.

posted by: JRG on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

I'll keep reading if and only if there is an RSS feed for your entries only (full-post feed would be a big plus, but you don't even have that now).

posted by: fling93 on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

I hear that you'll also be syndicated at Free Republic. Is that true?

posted by: Fundo the Clown on 10.21.05 at 05:07 PM [permalink]

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