Tuesday, December 26, 2006

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I'm not speaking to you

Over the next 48 hours I will be on a mini-vacation, at an attractive metropolitan locale, with my wife.... and without the children.

None of you will be coming along either.

Talk amongst yourselves, and enjoy the break.

Here's an opening question: does this Economic Policy Institute paper accurately assess American attitudes about the global economy?

posted by Dan on 12.26.06 at 09:23 AM


Since NAFTA took full effect the best year in Ohio was to have below average growth.

We now have 164000 fewer jobs than the day George Bush was inaugurated, and the mix of jobs has shifted drmatically toward low pay service and retail positions with mediocre benefits.

There were record years (2002-2005) for personal bankruptcies, until the new legislation (people no longer even bother with filing, they just walk away), and we have had four straight years of a hideous number of home foreclosures.

Michigan is in worse shape, and the fallout from the auto industry is just beginning.

After 16 years of a GOP governor, the GOP candiate this year couldn't hold the middle class GOP vote.
He was trounced so badly he conceded before the votes were counted. Call this backlash.

I'm running on. The Bush-ites and the synchophants just don't "get it," or maybe they don't want to.

posted by: save_the_rustbelt on 12.26.06 at 09:23 AM [permalink]

48 hours without the children - as close to heaven as most of us get.

posted by: save_the_rustbelt on 12.26.06 at 09:23 AM [permalink]


posted by: Borat on 12.26.06 at 09:23 AM [permalink]

Why "save the rustbelt"? Just like New Orleans, it shouldn't be saved, it should be abandoned (at least by most).

Anyway, I thought the paper was great - until the end. It may be confirmation bias but it well reflected what I've noticed talking with people. The end was awful. It should have been sub-titled "How the Left can be more effective ass-kissers".

On a related subject: No one seems bring up the immense savings that employers would have with government-run universal health care. All that money they are spending on health insurance would be freed up. Sounds like a good source of revenue. Who would miss it? (Not that I'm in favor of that - hidden taxes are evil - I'm just saying...)

posted by: mrsizer on 12.26.06 at 09:23 AM [permalink]

> We now have 164000 fewer jobs than the day George Bush was inaugurated

Well, to be fair, of course, you have to look more at the leaderships of GM, Ford, and Daimler/Chrysler than at Mr Bush to place blame.

BUT, there are, of course, things to do beyond blame - new, better, post-industrial jobs to be created, with the aid of training and leadership. Clinton was on the case with both leadership and actual programs. Neither, as far as I can recall, has been a priority of Bush or the GOP Congress.

Much less people like this:
> Why "save the rustbelt"? Just like New Orleans, it shouldn't be
> saved, it should be abandoned (at least by most).

posted by: Jon Kay on 12.26.06 at 09:23 AM [permalink]

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