Sunday, January 4, 2004

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Being Andrew Sullivan's wife

Bet you never thought you'd see that post title!

This special guest post is by my lovely wife Erika, who has been tremendously supportive of my blogging efforts this week -- which means that it's payback time:

MY LIFE AS A BLOG WIDOW -- by Erika Drezner

It’s not that I’m anti-blog or anything…

Dan’s blog has been something of a test. I can’t remember him being so consistently distracted since he was writing his dissertation. We were newly dating then, I would catch him sort of staring off in the distance when we were talking and I’d say, “you’re thinking about the dissertation again, aren’t you?” Now it is not so much the thinking as the doing.

For example, the scene in our house on an average day: Our son is yelling for something, dinner is on the stove – which, to be fair, Dan likely cooked – the dog is throwing up on the carpet. I look for my husband as some sort of help and he is tethered to the computer. I am thoroughly convinced that he will blog through the birth of any future children. I think I may have to ask Andrew Sullivan to coach me through my next delivery.

And it would serve him right. As I have said, being married to one blogger has been difficult enough. Not only does my husband spend time working on this thing, but people actually read it – no surprise to you, dear reader, but a hell of a shock to me. I’ll listen to what Dan’s saying maybe half the time – on a good day.

And I’m surprised by the audience members: a friend’s dad, my closest friend from college, our neighbors. The blog recently came up at the condo board meeting! Don’t these people own televisions?

Now in our small community of academics and students, most of whom are liberal, everyone knows what Dan thinks. “Drezner is a Republican, Drezner worked for W., Drezner is a Halliburton apologist…” I constantly get dirty looks on the street. As a liberal, I know that many liberals think that Republicans are people who eat babies and kick puppies. For the record, I have never seen Dan do either, and I have watched carefully.

If all that wasn’t enough, Mr. Andrew Sullivan decides he needs a vacation. We all know that Andrew Sullivan is an important guy. He’s a senior editor at The New Republic. TNR is a very important publication. All you have to do is see the movie Shattered Glass during which the audience is assured, at least twice, “The New Republic is the in-flight magazine of Air Force One!” So naturally it is a pretty big deal to guest blog for Andrew Sullivan. Who would say no?

And truth be told, Dan has some journalistic tendencies. He started writing for the Hartford Courant as a high schooler. His work was very popular with anyone who interacted with my mother-in-law on a regular basis. She actually carried his clippings around in her purse and showed them to everyone. If you don’t believe me, you need just ask any of the veteran cashiers at the Crown Kosher Supermarket in West Hartford. (By the way, the Crown does an excellent white fish salad, if you’re ever in West Hartford.)

Well, if you read the blog, you know what has happened. It’s been a tough week.

Andrew Sullivan, if you're reading this, some flowers would be nice.

NOTE: the comments on this post do not reflect the opinions of the blog's proprietor.

posted by Dan on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM


"Don’t these people own televisions?"

Actually I don't. I found that it was a distraction from the internet, so when it broke, I didn't bother to get it replaced.

posted by: Factory on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

Erika, can you post more often? You're a lot funnier than he is. :)

posted by: Bob McGrew on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

Dr. Erika,

I do not have TV. To watch sometimes I use community room. I listen to radio. But, the antenna is messed up and so I have to sadly listen to NPR a lot, which sometimes is frustating. NPR reporters get excited when anyone they are interviewing (esp. from Europe) has something negative about the US. I used to listen to BBC on another station, but I stopped that as that was even worse. I also use the computer when it is not being used to view other blogs. I read many blogs, such as AndrewSullivan,,,


posted by: Ali Karim Bey on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

I am a regular reader of I thoroughly enjoyed your guest blogging--so much that I think Andrew might have exposed some real competiton. You are good!

I saw your picture on your web page, and I think Andrew might have had an ulterior motive--you're not bad looking! (Just a joke--tell your wife to chill out...)

posted by: David on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

If it makes you feel any better, I'm a liberal and if I saw Dr. Drezner, I'd probably start squealing and asking for an autograph. I'm a geek like that.

Seriously, I think a lot of people are trying to find a Republican scapegoat in Hyde Park, and the closest person they can find is an assistant professor thisclose to becoming a Libertarian for Dean.

posted by: Maureen on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

Erika, you are *such* a babe. I am in love. God.

posted by: wowie on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

How about a picture of the little yeller you have in the house? Also the dog.

posted by: miriam on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

Seriously, I think a lot of people are trying to find a Republican scapegoat in Hyde Park, and the closest person they can find is an assistant professor thisclose to becoming a Libertarian for Dean.

Yeah, what's the deal with that? Don't they already have Richard Epstein to pick on?

posted by: JP on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

Miriam: here's a picture of the boy and the dog.

posted by: Dan Drezner on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

That was entertaining, but when I saw the mention of West Hartford, I had to check out your bio. I think we were seperated at birth... and by a few years. I grew up in Syracuse, moved to West Hartford in 1980 and moved to Colorado in 1996. Creepy.

posted by: Curious Stranger on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

I can't remember feeling this bad since that Anita Bryant concert.

posted by: Sissy Willis on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

Erika, Welcome to Bloggerdom!

Whoop, Whoop, Whoop!

So where are you going to start your own blog? ;-)

posted by: Trent Telenko on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

“Now in our small community of academics and students, most of whom are liberal, everyone knows what Dan thinks. “Drezner is a Republican, Drezner worked for W., Drezner is a Halliburton apologist…” I constantly get dirty looks on the street. As a liberal, I know that many liberals think that Republicans are people who eat babies and kick puppies. For the record, I have never seen Dan do either, and I have watched carefully.”

Hey, what’s wrong with being a Halliburton apologist? The pay is really good. I just got my check for a million dollars last week. Dan Drezner should be receiving his in the very near future. And I never eat raw babies. They are always well cooked and I utterly reject the brains and the spinal cord. After all, I wouldn’t want to possibly come down with mad cow disease! Only heathens own cute little puppies. Dog lovers are decadent Western imperialists. A decent person like Osama bin Ladin only lives with cats. Lastly, those liberal academics and students had better be on their best behavior. Those of us comprising the right-wing conspiracy are taking down names. The only question left unresolved is whether we either behead our enemies, or simply drop them off the Sears Tower.

posted by: David Thomson on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

I know that many liberals think that Republicans are people who eat babies and kick puppies. For the record, I have never seen Dan do either, and I have watched carefully.

Man, Glenn Reynolds really ruined it for everybody. I really miss the days of kicking puppies with impunity. Now, they're watching for it.

posted by: Independant George on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

I think my wife could have written that - except she hates the computer too much to sit down and do it.

posted by: StMack on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

I dunno, in my opinion as a long time Republican there really does seem to be a correlation between being evil and being Republican. However in my experience, Republicans are usually more charming, charismatic, effective, and interesting people. As such, I prefer being wicked to being a Democrat. This is my main complaint about GW Bush and co, not that they're the spawn of Satan but that they're boorish, unimaginative, incompetent, bunglers. If they were nice, we might as well call them liberals. But they're nasty. So if my choice is between nasty liberals in office and nice liberals in office, personally I choose the nice ones.

posted by: Oldman on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

"Now in our small community of academics and students, most of whom are liberal, everyone knows what Dan thinks."

Now, come on. That's not the blog's fault. They all knew what Dan thinks after they read The Sanctions Paradox.

Also, a mixed marriage, eh? Erika's a liberal and Dan's a, um, er, whatever he is. I heard those are tough on the kids...

posted by: Al on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

I know that many liberals think that Republicans are people who eat babies and kick puppies. For the record, I have never seen Dan do either, and I have watched carefully.

But does he eat puppies and kick babies?

posted by: kevin on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

Maybe you should thank God for small favors. I have been married to a professor for 45 years. He is now retired, writing a book, and if he were blogging life would really be bliss. You see, now I am the only one he has to teach. We cannot have discussions because I am supposed to listen. I have to find a way to introduce him to blogging, he could work the computer night and day, and maybe we could have a real discussion. I sympathize with his situation but ...

posted by: Ruth on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

Mmmmm..... puppies.

posted by: Dan Drezner on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]


As a pendant and long-winded teacher, let me say I sympathize with your plight. For the sake of peace, I find that I also must leave the lecturing at the classroom door. As a gesture of solidarity to a faculty wife, let me suggest Even an old tech dinosaur like myself was easily able to start blogging. And for the record, it really is a relief to just vent one's spleen there in a format you can hold forth at length on. As therapy for teachers, it's pretty excellent. Cheers and good luck with your own oldman.

posted by: Oldman on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

Eating puppies? I thought we drank them?

posted by: lewy14 on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]


What a wonderful piece: witty, insightful, irreverant and reverant at the same time. You must write something public for someone regularly - your potential readers deserve it.

posted by: David Tufte on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

Enjoyed your rant.
"Maybe liberals think Republicans are people who eat babies and kick puppies." but then, only Liberals pick their dogs up[ by their ears!

posted by: Barry on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

Nice article - I sent it to my wife. A great way to promote your blog to blogger spouses everywhere.

posted by: Michael Weiksner on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

Dear Erika:
Hilarious blog! I am the equally suffering (but not so liberal) wife of Alex Tabarrok of, who sent me the link to your article - perhaps as a veiled apology for all the blog time? I have had similar conversations with the wife of his co-blogger.
I keep debating with my spouse the long-term value of blogging vs. writing a book or another paper or some other endeavor. So far, blogging seems to be winning this argument. Perhaps later they can publish "Collected Blogs of Cowan and Tabarrok" and accomplish both goals. At least our spouses are at home, and not hanging out at the local dive bar.
Hang in there!

posted by: Monique on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]


Lovely blog. At least the dog isn't yelling and the baby throwing up...
I concur with other commentators that
your blog is a delightful read. You can check out my blog..
I'm the birdie for another liberal voice in the family.

posted by: Robin on 01.04.04 at 04:58 PM [permalink]

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